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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ginger Beer

So we in full swing now shopping, cleaning, painting and well of course prepping the fruits. Although am not much of a fan I came across a simple as they come recipe for ginger beer it have noway you can get this wrong . For those of you that don’t know ginger beer is a local drink that is more or less drank around the festive Christmas time. It is left to ferment for At least one day to a week according to how strong u wants it to be. As I said before it’s a very simple process.


1 lb. fresh ginger

8 cups water

1 1/2 cups sugar (or to taste)

lime peel


Wash and peel ginger

I prefer blending ginger seeing that this is the 21st century and all make sure to add little water to mixture

Pour into large bowl add remaining water and leave to ferment (longer time means stronger beer)

After desire strength is acquired strain and remove all large particles

Insert lime peel and sweeten to taste

Bottle in sterilized bottles and refrigerate

Drink and enjoy

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